무단 결석자 영어로
- truant
- 무단: 무단 [武斷] militarism; enforcement(강행);
- 결석자: absentee
- 무단 결석: truancy; absence without leave
- 무단 결석하는: truant
- 무단 결석하다: truant
- 무단결석: 무단 결석 [無斷缺席] (school) truancy. ~하다 absent oneself (from school) without notice; stay away (from school); play truant; cut a class; play hook(e)y.
- 석자: 석자 a strainer.
- 결석: 결석 [缺席] absence; nonattendance; a cut; 『法』 default; nonappearance. 무~ regular attendance / non-absence. 무단 ~ absence without leave. 병고 ~ absence on account of illness. 장기 ~ a long absence. ~하다 be a
- 무단: 무단 [武斷] militarism; enforcement(강행); highhandedness.▷ 무단주의 militarism.▷ 무단주의자 a militarist.무단 [無斷]1 [예고 없음]. ~히 without (pervious) notice; without warning; unannounced. 부모에게 알리지 않고 ~히 여행을 떠나다 go on
- 박석자: Park Suk-ja
- 분석자: analyst; examiner; one who analyzes
- 주석자: annotator; commentator
- 착석자: sitter; petsitter; housesitter
- 참석자: succor; leg up; ministration; attendant; ancilla; attendee; backing; aid; help; assistance; aidance; aid money; helping; bailout; assist; relief; support; patronage; help; succour
- 출석자: 출석자 [出席者] a person present; an attendant ; attendance; those present. ~가 많았다[적었다] The meeting was well[poorly] attended. / There was a large[poor] turnout at the meeting.